Thursday, September 26, 2013


收到MDB寄来的一封信Rujuk : 003/1/147(85) 誌期24-9-12 (列)该信是回复房屋部(KPKT)的 e-mail
第一: 我觉得很奇怪。KPKT不知问了多少次同样的问题, MDB也不知回答了多少次同样的答案。我也不知呈上多少次同样的解释。假如该土崩事件发生在有关部门长官的身上,相信很快就解决了。
证明: KPKT没有重视该问题,没有关心及没有爱心。没有将心比心,更说不上照理积极处理及解决。 *(这是该部门份内的工作啊!)
第二:      觉得很幼稚:信内说MDB5-8-2004开会一致通过该事件由屋主自己解决。理由是屋主没有申请增建。事前提出的MDB 没有按照图测批准只字不提,按照图测,屋主不但没有增建,而是建在屋身的范围。其后还有20尺 的后巷(Fire Lane *(发展商没有做好而MDB又批准)。 这个理由不知解释了多少次,也有图测证明。不知当局听得懂不懂人话,也不知看得懂不懂图测,更不知懂不懂法律,一直在这问题转来转去。
可能: 一则我再小学时经历的真人真事的可笑事件。 一位比较年长及身材较大的学生,不准一位比他小的学生越过他所规定的范围,一越过就是打。 他没想过这种霸行是多么的可恶 及无理和天真。这有如我的土崩事件,无理及霸权者反指有理者的不是,真是无理取闹,可笑,可悲及幼稚的写照。更严重的一个比列: 假如某人生气而得罪了警员(有权者)。该警员就以此开枪打死某人。法官的判断是谁的错呢?相信只有半个头脑的人也能正确的判断吧!
第三: 经过漫长跟MDB辩论后(书信来往)。MDB自知理亏而在20-4-2008自动申请发款建造后巷和后墙(列)而我也乐的一直在等。后来我打了个电话询问KPKT(因怕贵人善忘),得到的答案是政府没有钱,将要破产了的回电。呜呼,哀哉,晴天霹雳。
(a) 有天没日头 — 比喻政治黑暗,虽有官厅而无处申诉(首相及部长都可以不回复人民提出的事件,虽然他们设有部门及地址,他们的没回复如同人民无处申诉也!
(b) 有治人无治法 — 比喻徒有法律,没有人才,仍不能治国也!(我国虽有明文规定的法律,可是一些部门,如我所面对的MDBKPKT,他们都视法律为无物,没有去遵照,哪能说 得上治法呢?)可是他们并非我所比喻的没有人才,而是他们特意要为难一些没有力量及乡村的无钱才,无知识的人民。

注意事项    :日期-  MDB会议决定由屋主自行解决的日期是5-8-2004
-          MDB自知理亏后自动申请KPKT发款的日期是20-4-2008
-          *这是多年书信辩论的后果。又到了现在2012年的年尾,还是无法解决。 所说的‘可信赖’ ‘ 有效力’ 是什么意思呢?

为什么有些人不知道自己犯错呢? 一般上是因为他们有权有势。 另一些则是其他原因。有权有势的人其下属或基层不敢批评他们,还把他们所发表的意见和政策当成金玉良言,全部都是对的, 全部照收,好像我们所熟悉的‘国王的新衣’ 的故事一样, 所以他们不知也无法发觉他们所犯的错误,也就这样的无从改过。一旦被人发现了,一旦其政策失败了——为时已晚啊!
在我国有一个很明显也是人人津津乐道的列子,那就是我国前吉打的州务大臣 Dr. Sanusi, 其建议在屋顶上种稻, 后果大大的损失,国人也大大的批评其愚蠢的政策,假如当时在会议上, 议员们胆敢的提出理由反对,给予指导我国很多土地荒芜了, 用不着花费到在屋顶上种稻的地步。那就不会有此损失吗?议员们就是不敢批评,没有利用头脑去思考,一律的‘ YES-man , 有如我的土崩事件, 在MDB的会议讨论时, 一致通过 ‘自行解决’ 他们没有利用头脑去思考过‘事前没有遵照图测批准”是谁的错, 后巷是多么的重要,如果发生
火灾,居民无路可跑,活活被烧死,难道这种简单的道理都不懂? (注:-可想假如不幸发生这灾难的话,政府当局将在报上发表‘这是一种教训,以后政府将不批准无后巷的建筑物。’有如多年前发生在山坡上的建筑物一样)。这样的新闻时常都有见报。写到这里,我想到一位作家的话:- innocent Fraud” and “conventional wisdom”- by JK.G. Albert意思简单的说是”他们(专才或有权有势的人)所说的话,所代表的意见或政策,假如可形容为一种“欺诈” 的话,也是“金手遮天”—皆无罪也,因为这是理所当然的习惯,一些权威或大人物或名人所有的知识或认知,是他们的专才,无从批评也!无罪也!
P/s: 最近发生在法庭的一个案子 (我不可指名道姓,因法庭还未下判,以免contempt of court)如下:-“我还记得当时内阁没有成员反对”因此可见,贵为内阁成员,也盲从一些资深的部长。一律“yes man”又何况是普通的AJK会议。
‘圣洁愚人’是上帝派来的愚人,他们诚恳,热衷,正直,不会精打细算【一般人很会算,算盘了又用计算机来算,唯恐算错】,正如英语有句笑话‘Discretion is the better part of valour ’ (意思是精打细算后才敢放胆去做,这意味着不敢冒险) (一种取笑的用语)。
‘圣洁愚人’也是上帝派来改造一些自认是‘聪明人’的‘不聪明人’所做的坏事、不公平不公正、不利人民而危害人民的事。。。。。等等。所以‘圣洁愚人’不会计较任何的私利、权利及任何的代价及不怕任何的压力,他们只凭一个“信任”、“相信”及“上帝的允许下而一心一意的付出。把爱及福利大公无私的付出予社付诸于全世界,他们把爱正真的传开来。大人物们,部长们,高官们,你们能够做到吗?如果不能够的话还来得及学习,为 时不晚啊!阿门、阿尼陀佛、om sakti….
天理是一种很明显、很自然而且是个当然的理由,英语叫做 ‘AXIOM’ 它是不需要经过开会讨论而主席或秘书可当场决定,列如:某人申请在路中或路旁建一间屋子,图测已经呈上当局。有关当局还要讨论吗?笑话!主席或秘书可当场 不批准!
我的土崩事件也是一样,当局已经不照图册批准所建的建筑屋,图册还特别注明要有后巷和后墙而且还需批上泊油路 (ditarkan,假如没有按照此条列,当局将不给于批准,很明显的,政府已了解到后巷的重要性。这很明显的当局已经违反了法律及规则。这还需要开会讨论谁是谁非吗?相信没有头脑的人也会明白。
偷工减料已属非法,不依照图册批准建筑屋更是明显的不合法和不理智,还胆敢指责他人的不是,什么道理呢?还需要开会讨论吗? 可笑!天真!无知!无耻!有如George Soros 指责Dr.  Mahatir : “The thief is crying thief and hope people look other ways”  (注:我不支持谁,我保持中立,我是要借用这个句子而已)。意思是‘捉贼喊捉贼,有转移视线之意。’正如这土崩事件一样。官方犯错反转移给人民。这一招,有如我在小学时代一些顽皮同学的佳作,(Masterpiece) 真可爱和真有趣。没想到,长大了,老了,还可enjoy 到我们官员的此种可爱的佳作。
他们的决定是否有关他们处理事情的机会?一般上那是肯定的,可是这并不完全重要,最主要的条件是否他们有合格(LEGALITY)的地位来个不批准的权利?因为这根本不是他们有讨论的权利,他们照样批准罚款就是了,因为批准的图册以明文指定没有后巷是万万不可批准的,这有如法庭判错一样 (MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE)。他们应该赶快的去弥补,以免事件传开了,愚笑大方!还要什么资格讨论批准不批准呢?国会是否给予他们足够的权利拒绝批准?这和我说的‘AXIOM’(天理)是同一个道理吧!他们的权利就是执行法律,虽然在国会他们是制造法律。制造法律者哪有理由违反法律!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A voice in the wilderness and under privilege

Is it still needs struggling to speak up in a democracy country like Malaysia, which symbolized ‘One Malaysia’?

The incident of the land slide that stimulate my emotion and the discriminations , inhumane, sideline and cronyism of the government departments ,ministers , ministries ,YBs and the political parties toward this incident touch my sense of sensational. The feeling of ill-treatment and fooled by the Govnt. agencies for malice over the so-called ‘speak the truth’. This ‘speaking the truth’ is also co-incident to my attitude; I have no regretful over the maltreatment of them although I am the victim of this. These made me have such a voice. It is a voice in a wilderness and the underprivileged; I wonder it still needs struggling to voice up in a democracy country like Malaysia that symbolized as ‘One Malaysia’? The country which is well-known world-widely for its kind-hearted and enthusiastic by always giving helping hands to many disaster countries. It is world-wide recognition that Malaysia is the first, if not second, country to give help towards any disaster countries!!! Well done! And keep it up!!!

To my dismay, the disaster happened to me and would be happening to neighboring shop houses in time to come, had been ignored and turned deafness and blindness despite my advises-with-debates. Having worked hardly to find and to search, I finally able to provide many evidences to help the authority concerned to clarify the facts. They may suppose to find out themselves! It wasted many years-long of unnecessary corresponding to the government departments and Ministers and even to the prime Minister then ( Pak Lah) and now ( Datuk Seri Najib). It is really ‘chasing after a wild goose’ and futile. Is it what we always called ‘efficiency and effectiveness’?

Perhaps, it is always true that ‘the darkest side of the light house is beneath the light house’ written by Shakespeare. The light of the light house represent ‘bright, democracy, transparency, indiscrimination and equality’, but it is darkest under it. Is it only the slogan? The best slogan maker: the best master-piece of the BN.

I still can trust-with-confidence our PM (Najib) can do the best towards my case if he sincerely wants to interrupt and helpful. But, as a boss, he should. Our newly elected MCA chief, Dato Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek may play the important role to this, I had handed him letters during dinner in Kuala Pegang dated 21st Feb 2010. Organized by MCA division Baling. It is really ‘the sense of urgency’ and ‘to help those who badly need help’- exclaimed by our PM in his speech recently. Our PM once also said that ‘the public will be scrutinizing our performance, not the slogan we shout nor our great oratory skills and neither do they want to listen to our rhetoric’. ‘ we must also have a strong sense of accountability, be willing to sacrifice and allow ourselves to be criticized or even ‘punished’ if we fall short in delivering our promise’ these really made me appreciated and hopefully he will act on it accordingly.

The title of my correspondence to the appropriate departments concerning this case is
‘ rayuan mengenai tanah runtuh, membuat jalan rizab dan tembok di belakang rumah kedai nombor 37-A hingga 37-G, Kuala Pegang, Baling, Kedah.’

The government departments concerns are Majlis Daearh Baling, Ministry of Housing and local governments, YBs, KPKT Kedah and Kuala Lumpur, Biro Pengaduan Awam Penang, PM, MCA, MCA headquarter, MCA state liaison committee and division and others. I will state their letters with me in due course.

Of course, this is a long story because this incident takes many years. I will continue writing it in more detail with proof in due course. Hopefully, the appropriate departments with the helps of PM and MCA will strictly consider this incident and solve it accordingly and quickly because we cannot afford to waste so much time. The land is continuously sliding now and then during rainy seasons. Imitate the exclamation of our PM on convincing MCA crisis ‘solve your problem quickly, why wait for so long!’

It is really the waste of my energy, time and money and lives in fear and nightmare, the tragedy of the land slide may happen at no time and it may even cause the loss of lives. Mockery to say, the wrong doer was the government department that approving the building not according to the need of the plan. The plan was clearly stated that no approval of the building without reserving the back-fired lane!!! The victims are the shop-houses owners--- the buyers that without any knowledge of law. Is it fair?! Can anyone in this world tell me that it is fair?! Is it the cause of corruption? Reasonably and obviously we can suspect that it was!

I do not mean to criticize the government. I only act as responsibility and patriotic citizen by telling the truth and to claim my rights.

To date the BN government is a good government. The mindset of some of the ministers can be classified as the world class leaders if they discard selfishness and discrimination. Be transparency and emotional intelligent. Stick to their work and willing to hear and accept the diversity. Throw away the out-dated bad attitude.

To the opposition’s parties, they should gain credibility from the rakyat. They may from time to time playing the role of the watch-dog and find any malpractice of BN. They must serve the rakyat not only for their own members only. The YBs and the politicians belong to any rakyat. Regretfully, my letters to them get no reply. They are YB Lim Keat Siang, YB Karpal Singh, YB Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, YBs in Kupang and Menteri Besar in Kedah. I send them letters on 28th December 2008 by A.R register.

I would also note here that I also sent three letters to our PM,YAB Datuk Seri Najib and former MCA President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Kiat also have no reply. The letters was dated 14-6-09; 6-9-09 and 15-11-09.All by A.R registered post.

There is hilly at the back of the shop-houses. I had clearly explained these to them. We are in desperate straits and cannot solve this problem ourselves. We badly need help from our Government. Our Government can help the disaster of others countries irrespecting of any reasons, why not to our own country?

Meanwhile, I attached herewith the plan of the housing lots and the illustration of the plan and the proposed make by M.D.B and KPKT. I attached herewith the news from Sin Chew Daily and The Star.

All the readers of this blog are cordially welcome and invited to give comments and judgments. Thank you.

This is not the end of the story; I will furnish further my corresponding letters to the appropriate departments.